Original lyrics Tropes translated to english Meaning of the latin (and greek) words


Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy.
Kyrie, dobre je na tej našej dolinie. Kyrie, it's fine here in our valley.  
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
blaze je nám, juhasom. we shepherds are fine.  
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
lepši než panskim lovasom. much better than lords stablemen.  
Kyrie, dobre je na tej našej dolinie. Kyrie, it's fine here in our valley.  
Kyrie, dobre je v tej našej pustatinie. Kyrie, it's fine here in our wilderness.  
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
lepši než na diedine. much better than in a village.  
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
Tak prislúcha týmto časum. It's how it goes nowadays.  
Kyrie, dobre je v tejto pustatinie. Kyrie, it's fine here in our wilderness.  
Kyrie, dobre je, byvat kde sú jeskynie, Kyrie, it's fine to live where there are caves,  
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
poskakovat pod lesom, to dance near the forest,  
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
spivat si zvučnym hlasom. to sing with a loud voice.  
Kyrie, dobre je eleison, Kyrie, it's fine eleison,  
Kyrie, dobre je. Kyrie, it's fine.  
Christe eleison. Christe eleison. Christ have mercy.
Kyrie, dobre je, byvat kde sú jeskynie, Kyrie, it's fine to live where there are caves, Lord have mercy
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
poskakovat pod lesom, to dance near the forest,  
Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,  
spivat si zvučnym hlasom. to sing with a loud voice.  
Kyrie, dobre je eleison, Kyrie, it's fine eleison,  
Kyrie, dobre je. Kyrie, it's fine.  


Gloria! Hej, hej! Gloria! Hey, hey! Glory!
Gloria! Nuž cože? Kto to tam vola? Gloria! What's up? Who calls there?  
Gloria! Neblazni sa ked maš rozum! Gloria! Don't fool around, if you are reasonable!  
Gloria! Reta bratrove, reta preboha, Gloria! Save me brothers, save me,  
hen na nas ktosi potreti vola. someone is calling us for the third time.  
Vstavajte hore pastirove, Get up, shepherds,  
do Bethlema biežte, hurry up to Betlehem,  
to vam Anjelove pravime: dari sebu berte, we, Angels, tell you: take presents with you,  
prišel juž Spasitel, svieta vikupitel, the Saviour has come, the redeemer of the world,  
to vy veru vierte, believe what we say,  
z Nebe dolú stupil s Panny se narodil, he has come down from heaven, of a virgin was he born,


čistú pravdu mate. we are telling the truth.  
Laudamus te. Laudamus te. We praise you.
Benedicimus te. Benedicimus te. We bless you.
Adoramus te, Adoramus te, We adore you,
glorificamus te. glorificamus te. we glorify you.
Počuli sme v noci, že si velku moci z Nebe stupil. We heard last night, that you came down from heaven through your great power.  
Jak sviedčil Anjel, když nam povediel, že si Emanuel. So the Angel testified, when he told us that you are the Emanuel.  
Protož my v sprostnosti, tvojú velebnosti budeme dnes všeci ctiti, That's why are we today - in our simplicity - going to worship your Majesty,  
Tvoje narozeni, pro lidske spaseni všem lidom ohlašovati, Your birth, for human salvation, proclaim to all people,  
o Ježišku. o little Jesus.  
Gratias agimus tibi. Gratias agimus tibi. We give you thanks.
Diekujeme tobie, Ježišku maly, We thank you, little Jesus,  
žes sa račil zjevit v tejto maštali, that you deigned to emerge in this stable,  
však sme tia zdavna čekali, Pana Spasitele. for we have been waiting for you - our Lord and savior - for a long time.  
Domine Deus. Domine Deus. Lord God.
Pane všemohuci. Lord almighty  
Rex coelestis. Rex coelestis. Heavenly King.
Krali prežaduci. The most desirable King.  
Smiluj se slituj se nad nami, Have mercy and compassion on us,  
tvojimi pastiri chudymi. your poor shepherds.  
Ni ni ni ni, dini, dini. Ni ni ni ni, dini, dini.  
Domine Fili, Domine Fili, Lord son,
Od viečnosti rovny, Equal since eternity,  
Unigenite, Unigenite, Only Begotten,
si jednorozeny. you are the Only Begotten.  
Smiluj se slituj se nad nami, Have mercy and compassion on us,  
tvojimi pastiri chudymi. your poor shepherds.  
Domine Deus, Domine Deus, Lord God,
Pane roztomily, charming Lord,  
Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Lamb of God.
Beranku rozmily. dear Lamb.  
Smiluj se slituj se nad nami, Have mercy and compassion on us,  
tvojimi pastiri chudymi. your poor shepherds.  
Qui tollis peccata. Qui tollis peccata. You take away the sins.
Ktery svieta hrichy snimaš, You, who takes away the sins of the world,  
viečny život vim, že nam daš. I know, you will give us eternal life.  
Qui tollis peccata. Qui tollis peccata. You take away the sins.
Odpust naše provinieni Forgive us what we are guilty of  
a tak dojdeme spaseni. and we will be saved.  
Qui sedes. Qui sedes. You are seated (at the right hand of the Father).
My tie chvalit budem časnie, We will praise you now,  
potom take v Nebi viečnie. and then also in heaven, forever.  
Quoniam tu solus. Quoniam tu solus. For you alone (are the Holy One).
Ty si sam velky Pan You alone are the great Lord  
a nejvyšši na Nebi, the greatest in heaven,  
quoniam, quoniam,  
udiel nam, grant us,  
quoniam, quoniam,  
poprej nam, let us,  
tebe chvalit nekdy. praise you in the future.  
Cum sancto Spiritu. Cum sancto Spiritu. With the Holy Spirit.
Abys ale o tom viediel, že tia mame radi, To make you sure, that we love you,  
urobime ti hostinu, tak my žena radi. we'll make you a fest, so my wife advises me.  
Prideš k nam na hody, posediš si s nami, You'll come to us for a feast, will sit with us,  
v Betlehemskem haji. in Betlehem grove.  
Danadom dajdom. Amen. Danadom dajdom. Amen.  


Credo in unum Deum Credo in unum Deum I believe in one God,
Patrem omnipotentem. Patrem omnipotentem. the Father almighty.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum And in in one Lord Jesus Christ,
Filium Dei unigenitum. Filium Dei unigenitum. the only begotten son of the Father.
Et ex Patre natum Et ex Patre natum he was born of the Father
ante omnia saecula, ante omnia saecula, before all ages,
Deum verum de Deo, Deum verum de Deo, God from God,
Lumen de lumine Lumen de lumine Light from Light,
Deum verum de Deo vero. Deum verum de Deo vero. true God from true God.
Qui propter nos homines Qui propter nos homines Who for us men
et propter nostram salutem et propter nostram salutem and for our salvation
descendit de coelis. descendit de coelis. came down from Heaven.
Buh od viečnosti, Pan vši radosti, God since eternity, Lord of every joy  
vzal človiečenstvi pro nas by nas ziskal sobie was made man because of us, to made us his own  
suc nesmrtelny zostal smrtelny he - an immortal - became mortal


červik zemie povrženy. despised earthworm.  
Tajemstvi velke a nepochopne It's a big and incomprehensible mystery  
rozum lidsky nedočahne. which human mind will never understand.  
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu sancto Et incarnatus est de Spiritu sancto And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost
natus ex Maria Virgine. natus ex Maria Virgine. out of the Virgin Mary.
Crucifixus etiam Crucifixus etiam He was also crucified
sub pontio pilato sub pontio pilato under Pontius Pilate
passus, sepultus est. passus, sepultus est. He suffered and was buried.
Et resurrexit Et resurrexit And he rose again
tertia die secundum scripturas. tertia die secundum scripturas. on the third day according to the Scripture.
Et ascendit in coelum. Et ascendit in coelum. And ascended into Heaven.
Když prijdeš sudit Ježišku maly, When you''ll come to judge, little Jesus,  
nezapominaj na nas tu chvili, please, do not forget us,  
za naše vystupky doneseme hrušky, for all our offenses we will bring you pears,  
a za naše hrichy valaske orechy, for our sins, walnuts,  
a za naše skutky pieknej žitnej múky, for our deeds, good rye flour,  
a za všecky zlosti mleko do sytosti, for all anger, a lot of milk,  
a včil slibujeme, že vic nezhrešime. and now we promise that we will not sin anymore.  
Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen And the Life of the world to come. Amen
Juž my sa zas naš Ježišku domu ubirame, Our little Jesus, we're already going to go home,  
že sme s tebu posedieli domacim povime. we will tell about this gathering at home.  
Požehnaj nas tady, na zemi na nebi Bless all of us - here and in heaven  
k sobie pojmi nekdy. and take us to you in the future.  
Di di di didom, Di di di didom,  
di di ni dajdom. Amen. di di ni dajdom. Amen.  


Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus Holy, Holy, Holy
Dominus Deus sabaoth. Dominus Deus sabaoth. Lord God of hosts.
Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua. Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Osanna in excelsis Deo. Osanna in excelsis Deo. Hosanna in the highest to God.


Benedictus, qui venit in nomine Domini. Benedictus, qui venit in nomine Domini. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Osanna in excelsis Deo. Osanna in excelsis Deo. Hosanna in the highest to God.


Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Lamb of God,
o Beranku tichy, o silent Lamb,  
qui tollis peccata, qui tollis peccata, you who take away the sins,
ktery snimaš hrichy. you who take away the sins.  
Smiluj se slituj se nad nami, Have mercy and compassion on us,  
tvojimi pastiri chudymi. your poor shepherds.  
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world,
dona nobis pacem. dona nobis pacem. grant us peace.
Udiel nam pokoj svaty, aby byl naš viek zlaty. Give us your holy peace, to make our time golden.  
Však sme dali čo sme mali, We have given you what we could,  
prijmi od nas ten dar maly, accept these gifts from us,  
az nam vic udieliš, zasej sa poziviš. we will give you more after we receive more from you.  
Ješče dnes, ješče dnes naš Ježišku spomeneš Little Jesus, you will remeber  
kde su naši valaši, co robia na salaši.

where our shepherds who works at chalet are.

Dona nobis pacem, Dona nobis pacem, Grant us peace.
od rana do večera bude bučat barbora, musicians will play all day long,  
budeme ti diekovat tve jmeno vychvalovat, we will thank you and praise your name,  
Dona, da na na, dona pacem. Dona, da na na, dona pacem.