(Translation from the page zrunek.info)

Original lyrics Tropes translated to english Meaning of the latin (and greek) words


Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, Lord have mercy,
Christe eleison, Christe eleison, Christ have mercy,
Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy.


Gloria! Bratrové, [v]stávajte! Gloria! Brothers, arise! Glory!
Gloria! Na retu volajte! Gloria! Call out for help!  
Gloria! Zahynúť nedajte! Gloria! God preserve us!  
Gloria! Ozaj nás tu straší, v tom našem salaši, počúvajte! Gloria! Hark, terror has seized us in our sheep fold!  
Gloria! Počuj, Jano, vejdi ven, Gloria! Listen John, come out,  
nech sa ozve, kerý ten, let whoever wants to speak  
nech si neprefentuje v salaši, don’t try to boss us,  
nech si nerozkazuje. don’t try to bully us.  
A keď sa neponíži, že mu Juro poslúži, And if there is one who won’t show respect, then George  
zahude mu na hlavje polenem, will serve him well with a log over his head,  
ja to dvakrát nereknem, ja to dvakrát nereknem. I won’t tell you twice, I won’t tell you twice.  
Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo! Glory to God in the highest!
Já sem jeden valach starý, dobre počúvajte, I am an old shepherd, listen to me,  
poslaný od starej rady, I have been sent by the Elders,  
koho tu hledáte, who are you looking for?  
a ked mi nepovíte, And if you won’t tell me,  
veru sa osmielím, I’ll venture to beat  
a vám bok s dreveným your side with a  
olejem namastím! wooden stick!  
Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo! Glory to God in the highest!
Nebojte sa, pastíri, Fear not, shepherds,  
noviny počujte: listen to my news:  
porodila Panenka, the Maiden has given birth,  
do Betlema biežte, run to Bethlehem,  
kterého ste čekali, a od viekú žádali, to the one you have waited and called for for so long.  
dnes sa vám juž narodil, Today He was born  
slávu svú vyjevil, and revealed His glory,  
protož nemeškajte so don’t tarry,  
dary sebú berte, take gifts with you,  
jeho privítajte, welcome Him,  
,Gloria‘ spívajte: sing Gloria:  
Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo! Glory to God in the highest!
Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. and on earth peace to people of good will.
Juž sem vykonal rozkaz starej rady I have fulfilled the command of the Elders  
a čo sem tam počul, ani by ste sa nenazdali, and you wouldn’t believe what I’ve heard.  
prišli anjelové k našemu majíru, Angels have come to our fields,  
spívajíce slávu Mesiáši Králu, singing glory to the Messiah, the King  
že sa juž narodil v Betlehemie mieste, born in the town of Bethlehem,  
a to mi pravili, pospolu tam biežte. and they told me, run there together.  
A já na to myslím, by sme se zebrali And I think we should gather  
a o tejto vieci dobre se poradili, to discuss this matter,  
my sme sprostí lidé, a to je Pán velký, we are simple folk, and the Lord is great,  
není to malá viec, k takému Pánu jíti, it’s no small thing to behold such a Lord,  
včilej je púlnoci, vstávajte pospolu, it’s now midnight, arise one and all,  
at móžeme dojít do dňa k Betlehému! so that we can reach Bethlehem by morning!  
Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, We praise you, we bless you, we adore you,
glorificamus te; glorificamus te; we glorify you;
Gratias agimus tibi, propter magnam gloriam tuam. Gratias agimus tibi, propter magnam gloriam tuam. We give you thanks for your great glory.
Ked sme sa zebrali, Now we have gathered,  
poradme sa tady, let us discuss  
čo si veznem. what to bring with us.  
Domine Deus, Rex Coelestis, Deus Pater. Domine Deus, Rex Coelestis, Deus Pater. Lord God, heavenly King, O God the Father.
Jeden vezne gajdy, One of us should take  
zagajduje všady, some bagpipes and play  
kady pújdem. wherever we go.  
Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe. Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son.
Na peci sú husle, There is a violin on the stove,  
na lavici drumle, a Jew’s harp on the bench,  
píščalky sú v košári, and pennywhistles in the fold,  
na hrebíku trúby, hanging on a nail,  
juhás nech zatrúbi tú včerajšú. let the young shepherd blow his horn and play the tune from yesterday.  
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.
Sláva Bohu Otci, Glory be to the Lord our Father,  
nech jest rovnej moci, may He be equal in power  
Ježišku malému, to baby Jesus,  
dnes narozenému, born today,  
Králičku našemu, our infant King,  
hop, hop, hop, hop. hop, hop, hop, hop.  
Dana, dana, dajdom, Dana, dana, dajdom,  
dana, dana, didom, dana, dana, didom,  
dana, dana, dajdom, dana, dana, dajdom,  
dini, dini, didom, dini, dini, didom,  
dajdom, dajdom, dajdom, dajdom, dajdom. dajdom, dajdom, dajdom, dajdom, dajdom.  
Qui tollis peccata mundi. Qui tollis peccata mundi. You take away the sins of the world.
Ó, Beránku tichý, O peaceful Lamb,  
který snímáš hríchy, who takes away our sins,  
my sme k Tobie prišli, we have come to You,  
príď zas ty k nám, chceš-li, come to us if You want,  
nehanbi sa za nás, don’t be ashamed of us,  
že sme lidé hríšní. that we are sinful people.  
Qui tollis peccata mundi. Qui tollis peccata mundi. You take away the sins of the world.
Zmiluj se nad námi, Have mercy on us,  
chudími pastíri, poor shepherds,  
my Tebe vítáme, we welcome You  
pri našem majíri, to our fields,  
Tobie prinášáme we shepherds bring you  
tu valaské syry. our hillside cheeses.  
Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris. You are seated at the right hand of the Father.
Prijmi naše dary, Accept the gifts,  
které sme Ti vzali, which we have brought for You  
až nám víc požehnáš naše koze bary, so that You bless us more,  
zaskočí kerý-ten, lepší Ťa obdarí. and may he who gives You most gifts enjoy the finest goats and rams.  
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus, tu solus Dominus. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus, tu solus Dominus. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord.
Tys’ Svatý nad svatými, You are holy, the holiest  
nejvyšší na nebi, ó, Ježiši, of Holiest in Heaven, oh Jesus,  
my to uznáváme, that is what we believe,  
za pravdu držíme, we believe that  
že si Ty Mesiáš, You are the Messiah,  
tu solus, si Svatý, You are Holy,  
tu solus, si Svatý nad svatými. you are Holy, Holiest of the Holy.  
Cum Sancto Spiritu in Gloria Dei Patris. Amen. Cum Sancto Spiritu in Gloria Dei Patris. Amen. With the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Jano, počni, jako umíš, na píščalku, Start playing the pennywhistle as well as you can,  
však ti Jano zanotuje všelijakú. John will sing you any song.  
Nadarmo si štyri hukny nové zedral, You didn’t wear out four straps for no reason,  
keds’ na muziku k rechtorovi chodíval, when you went to the music master to learn how to play,  
probuj ješče, dám ti fruštuk, try again, I’ll give you breakfast  
jestli vyvedeš majsterštuk, if you play a masterpiece,  
páleného, ovseného! I’ll pour you a shot of oat wisky!  
Jaj, prosím ťa, zanechaj tak, Or better, leave it, please,  
ješče ti dám jeden turák, I’ll give you another coin instead  
nerob račši hanbu vječší. so that you don’t embarrass yourself anymore.  
Ondrej, vezmi tvú farfajku, všaks’ ty múdrý, Andrew, take your trumpet because you  
bývals’ mezi muzikanty všady první. were clever among musicians, always first.  
Trúb, Ondrejko, veselo, Play the trumpet cheerfully  
aby to všade znelo v Betlehemie. so that you can hear it everywhere in Bethlehem.  
Juro juž gajdy nadúvá, George is already blowing the pipes,  
huk na pleco si zapíná, putting the strap on his shoulder,  
dobre hrajte, play well,  
Boha chválte, praise the Lord,  
dajdom, dajdom, dajdom, dajdom! dajdom, dajdom, dajdom, dajdom!  


Credo in unum Deum, Credo in unum Deum, I believe in one God,
Patrem omnipotentem, factorem Coeli et terrae, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem Coeli et terrae, Father almighty, maker of heaven and of earth,
visibilium et invisibilium. visibilium et invisibilium. all things, visible and invisible.
Credo in unum Jesum Christum, Credo in unum Jesum Christum, I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
Filium Dei unigenitum. Filium Dei unigenitum. the only begotten son of the Father,
Credo, Credo, et ex Patre natum ante Omnia saecula, Credo, Credo, et ex Patre natum ante Omnia saecula, I believe he was born of the Father before all ages,
Deum verum de Deo vero, Deum verum de Deo vero, God from God,
genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri, genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father,
per quem Omnia facta sunt. per quem Omnia facta sunt. Through him all things were made.
Qui propter nos homines, Qui propter nos homines, Who for us,
et propter nostram salutem et propter nostram salutem and for our salvation
descendit de Coelis. descendit de Coelis. came down from heaven.
Ó! Boství veliké, Oh, great Lord,  
což jest učinilo, what You have done,  
což jest provinilo, how have You sinned,  
že sa zimú trase v chlévie, You shiver in the sty,  
žádný ho nelituje, and nobody feels sorry,  
proč pak se[s]’, Ježišku, kvítečku, why have You Jesus, little flower,  
tak velmi ponížil, humbled Yourself so much,  
že si spúsob služebníka za nás vzít umínil. that You have come to us as a servant to us?  
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto And became incarnate by the Holy Spirit
ex Maria Virgine, ex Maria Virgine, of the Virgin Mary,
et homo factus est. et homo factus est. and became man.
To pro naše telo, That is for our body.  
které zavinilo, which has sinned,  
pro pýchu stvorení, for the pride of His creation,  
v chlévečku sklonený in the little sty,  
Búh naríká. God, bowed over, is crying.  
Crucifixus etiam pro nobis, Crucifixus etiam pro nobis, For us he was crucified,
sub Pontio Pilato, sub Pontio Pilato, under Pontius Pilate,
passus, et sepultus est. passus, et sepultus est. suffered, and was buried.
Protož jemu diekujme, So let us thank Him,  
na nieho sa skladajme, and hope in Him.  
který slivek, který hrušek, do vrecúška mu dajme, Whoever has plums, whoever has pears, let’s put them in the sack for Him,  
a starému hrudu syra, nech ať sobie zahryzne. and a lump of cheese for His father to take a bit.  
Et resurrexit, surrexit tertia die secundum scripturas, Et resurrexit, surrexit tertia die secundum scripturas, On the third day, He rose again in accordance with the scriptures,
surrexit, resurrexit, surrexit tertia die. surrexit, resurrexit, surrexit tertia die. He rose again on the third day.
Et ascendit in Coelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris. Et ascendit in Coelum, sedet ad dexteram Patris. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.
Et iterum. Et iterum. (He will come) again.
Hej, hej, hej, Hej, hej, hej,  
že zas príde, When He comes again,  
bieda nám, bieda nám, woe is us, woe is us,  
súdit bude, He will judge us,  
ach, kterak my obstojíme, how we will fare,  
azda my tam vydržíme, perhaps we will hold out,  
hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej,  
hej, hej, hej, hej, hej, hej,  
že zas príde, that He will come,  
bieda nám, woe is us,  
bieda nám, woe is us,  
súdit bude. He will judge us.  
Když prídeš súdit, Ježišku milý, When you come to judge, dear Jesus,  
nezapomínaj na nás v tú chvíli, don’t forget us in that moment,  
odpust naše viny, forgive our trespasses,  
zhlad nám všecky činy, take away all our sins,  
zmiluj, zlituj se nad nami, have mercy and pity on us,  
chudobnými pastírami. poor shepherds.  
Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen. Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen. We await his coming in glory. Amen.
Juž my sa zas, náš Ježišku, odbíráme, So, dear Jesus, we must go now,  
však pri tobie srdcá naše necháváme. yet we leave our hearts with You.  
Prijmi naše sprosté dary, Accept the humble gifts,  
které sme ti darovali we have given You,  
a ze srdca odevzdali, from the bottom of our hearts.  
chráň nás časnie, Protect us now,  
spas nás viečnie, and save us forever,  
a po tejto smrtelnosti and after this mortal world,  
priveď nás všech do radosti, lead us into joy,  
chráň nás časnie, protect us today,  
spas nás viečnie. grant us eternal life.  
Opatruj, ochraňuj, nás, Ježišku. Look after us, dear Jesus.  


Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Holy, Holy,
Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Dominus Deus Sabaoth. God of power and might.
Pleni sent Coeli et terra gloria tua. Pleni sent Coeli et terra gloria tua. heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Osanna in excelsis. Osanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest.
Ó, jak jest premilé, O how lovely He is,  
to dieťatko krásné, that beautiful child,  
očičky spanilé, His gracious eyes,  
ústečká prejasné. wonderful little mouth.  
Osanna in excelsis. Osanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest.
Nadevšecko stvorení ozdobené. Above all creation, comely babe.  
Osanna in excelsis. Osanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest.
Jozef ho kolíbá, Joseph is rocking Him,  
Matka jemu spívá; ,in excelsis Deo‘, His mother is singing “in the highest”,  
húfové anjelščí velkú radost drží. all the angels are overjoyed.  
Osanna in excelsis. Osanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest.
Be, be, be, Benedictus, Be, be, be, Benedictus, Blessed is He,
be, be, be, Benedictus, be, be, be, Benedictus, Blessed is He,
qui venit in nomine Domini, qui venit in nomine Domini, who comes in the name of the Lord,
Be, be, be, Benedictus. Be, be, be, Benedictus. Blessed is He.

Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi. Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
Ó, Beránku tichý, O silent Lamb,  
kterýž snímáš hríchy, you who take away the sins,  
udiel nám pokoja grant peace to us  
bydlícím na zemi, who live on earth,  
neb si svieta Pánem, because you are the Lord of the world,  
kraluješ na nebi. you live in heaven.  
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi. Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
Juž sa odbíráme, We are leaving,  
dalej ubíráme, heading further,  
prijdi k nám na hody, come to us for a feast,  
vína tobie dáme, demikát s kapustú we will give You wine, we’ll prepare for you soup  
tobie pripravíme. with bread and cabbage.  
Dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Grant us peace.
Ješče jednu na rozchodnú, George, my dear,  
múj Juríčku, zahraj, play another farewell song,  
potom ale pomaličky and then slowly  
do domu sa zbíraj. start getting ready to go home.  
Dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Grant us peace.
Na dobrú noc Ježiškovi, by mohel spáti, Play Him the pipes so that he can sleep tight,  
na gajdence jemu zahraj, však ti to on zaplatí. He will pay you well.  
Dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Grant us peace.
A ty, Jano starý, budeš ho kolébat, And you old John, you will rock Him,  
a ty, Mišo s Ondrejem, budeš jemu spívat, and you Michael and Andrew will sing for Him,  
mej se dobre, náš Ježišku, all the best, our Jesus,  
všecek roztomilý, all wonderful,  
juž se dalej ubíráme we are leaving  
od tebe v tu chvíli. you at this moment.  
Ty, Matičko, tvého Syna, opatrne zhrívaj, You, mother, keep your Son warm,  
ty, Jozefe to dieťatko bedlivie zahrívaj. you, Joseph, lovingly keep your Baby warm.  
Dona nobis pacem. Dona nobis pacem. Grant us peace.
Tobe Bože, budiž chvála navieky, Glory be to You, Lord, forever,  
žes’ nám zeslal Syna svého z nebeskej výsosti. that You have sent us your Son from the High Heavens.  
Dona, dona, dona, dona, Dona, dona, dona, dona, Grant, grant, grant, grant,
dona pacem. dona pacem. Grant us peace.